Links for Home Learning
For families who are self-isolating we have provided a range of resources to enable your child to access learning resources. In the event of closure children will be able to follow a curriculum which will be delivered through google classroom.
Home Learning Links from Wimborne Academy Trust
Accelerated Reader
We advise students to complete quizzes unaided. If parents/carers wish to support their child, they can do so in the following ways:
- Discuss the book with their child as the book is being read
- Ask their child to read the question aloud
- Re-word questions for their child, if necessary
- Ask their child which answers are not correct
Online access to thousands of books.
Audible Stories
Audible have released a selection of audio books that are available for free whilst schools are closed.
There are lots of links to resources for English, Maths, Science, French, History, Geography and Art.
Home learning resources packs these are free of charge for Y5, Y6 and KS3 and various other age appropriate free resources.
Khan Academy
An American based website with resources for all ages including videos demonstrating learning. You can sign up for a free account with them.
Phonics Play
Resources that are especially useful for pupils who have phonics work in done in school.
PE (Daily PE Sessions from Monday 23rd March)